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Rearrange PDF Pages

Reorder PDF pages by dragging and dropping page thumbnails

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{{ file.file_name | subLengthStr(80) }}



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{{ file.file_name | subLengthStr(80) }}


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    {{ }}

How to Rearrange pages in PDF:

1. Open the PDF file in our PDF pages rearranger.
2. After import drag and arrange the pages from thumbnails.
3. Select and move the thumbnail to new location.
4. Finally download and save the new PDF file.

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    This is the best tool to rearrange pages in PDF online because it is free to use and super quick. Try it for yourself!

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  • Rearrange PDF API

    We are always upgrading tools and features to stay ahead of competition. Having worked in the industry for many years we have created a platform where all file formats are supported and transformed.

  • Great Quality Converter

    We offer a simple three-step process - upload, transform and download. Enjoying the time with HiPDF is all you have to do!

  • App supported by Cloud

    To convert everything without having the issue to download software, use this tool because all our processes occur on the cloud. Try it!

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